Don't forget to use the hashtags to spread the word and show solidarity

#PressFreedom #ReportersWithoutBorders



Freedom of opinion and expression is a fundamental human right, as declared by the United Nations. Nevertheless, a record number of journalists and bloggers are imprisoned today. We declare solidarity with the ones in prison, using a simple trick to put Instagram ‘behind bars’.


We use Instagram’s grid to point to the issue and ask everyone around the globe to join our campaign. When you upload the nine images onto your Instagram feed, the image borders turn into prison bars. Generate only one image with our tool to upload to Facebook/Twitter.

Step 1.
Add your photo

Step 2.
Enter your email address

Step 3.
Choose Instagram (9 images for Instagram Mosaic) or FB/Twitter (1 image) and receive the image(s) ready for upload. A sample caption will be provided with our hashtags #CBMV #PressFreedom #ReportersWithoutBorders

Step 4.
Follow instructions on the email to find out how to best upload the images. Make sure you post the images in the right order and spread the word!

Reporters Without Borders